The purpose of this idea is to help hearing problem people(even for deaf person but can speak) to understand the telephone conversation. So they can have normal communication as everybody.
This service will have to use Google voice or Apple Siri as the speech recognition engine, and to use voice over IP for transmission. The voice packet will be sent to Google (Apple) speech recognition engine (cloud severs) and transfer to text (Voice to Text ), then will be deliver to receiver with voice input in the same time.
The key point is the receiver will have visual and audio inputs in the same time. This will help them to understand the conversation and respond normally.
Right now, I think only Google or Apple have the ability to do it, because it asks both inputs have to arrive in same time-no delay; the other reason is you have use the cloud severs as the engine to improve the accuracy rate of speech recognition.
I already submit a suggestion to Google voice, hope hear some positive message.
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